POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Povray 4? wish list : Povray 4? wish list Server Time
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  Povray 4? wish list  
From: Angelo 'kENpEX' Pesce
Date: 3 Dec 2001 12:19:02
Message: <3c0baf07.22135953@news.povray.org>
Here there are some ideas for the next povray... Well, at last, this
is something I would like to have :P

1) Programmable shaders. PovMan is GREAT, why don't add this stuff to
the official povray too? It would be good to remove every shading
stuff from povray and use only compiled scripts. Slower, but much
better. Another option (a better one imho because it's lots faster and
easier to develop too) is to use a shader-plugin architecture

2) AFAIK (mabye i'm saying just bullshits here) povray does not use
BSP trees for triangle meshes. Why? It would not be faster with them?
It's very important to speed up the whole thing. Also it would be nice
to improve some routines (for example, intersection tests) with asm.

3) adaptive Blurred reflection, motion blur and blinn microfacet
highlights from megapov (I know that those features has been discarded
from povray 3.5 feature list but I don't know why as it's kinda easy
to do too). Also is megapov going to die when povray 3.5 final is out?

4) adaptive DOF

5) compiled scene-scripts

6) better radiosity :P

7) displacement mapping

8) a small rendering strip distribuition stuff over TCP/IP to set up
small rendering farms

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